My sister Kim and I looking ever so excited about our night out on the town.
Does anyone think we look alike?

This drink was entitled "Horny Monkey" (hence the banana). I think everyone should try it...it was delicious!!!!

Relaxing with a few drinks on the couch at Fat Jacks. For those of you who aren't locals, it's an "establishment"(ha ha) in

I feel bad that this is like the only picture I have of Dan during the evening and he's not even fully in the shot. He was nice enough to be our driver and photographer all in one. Isn't he the best!?!
Happy Birthday!!! Glad you all had lots of fun! Hope all your birthday wishes come true.
Happy Belated Birthday! It looks like you had a great celebration! You are Kim look great and look soooo much alike!
Happy Birthday!!
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