Olivia is enjoying her big girl bed/room. Her bed really is just her crib that was converted to a daybed, but she thinks it's cool :). For Christmas, she got new bedding and a few accessories (lady bug and butterfly drawer knobs, calendar, butterfly/flower framed pictures for the wall and butterfly wall decals).
To keep track of her ever so busy schedule :)
Bitty baby has to sleep in her bed right next to mommy Olivia.
You can kinda see the ladybug drawer knobs in this picture on her armoir. The butterfly knobs are on her dresser.

I love her room. So cute! I actually looked at that bedding for Ainsley's room (she'll be getting her big girl stuff for her birthday this May), but we went with something else. Love her calendar for her busy schedule too. Kaylee's babies must also sleep in her room in their cradle. Sometimes Kaylee will even say "Mom, I wasn't sleeping I was taking care of my babies."
I love her big girl room! How darling!!! You're such a great mommy!
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